Friday 12 April 2013

Spinning Lambs

 Well there's wool on it and it smells like Mum... maybe we need to turn that wheel to get the milk out?"

Thursday 11 April 2013

Turkeys on Parade

My older turkeys - Crollwitzer and Bourbon Red - are beginning to display themselves and "strutt their stuff" for the attention of their girls. The unusually cold weather has meant that all the birds are coming into lay late, although I did get half a dozen eggs from the Crollwitzer girls last week  - until this weeks cold snatch stopped them in their tracks!

Bourbon Red and Crollwitzer urkey stags displaying to Crollwitzer female.

Bourbon Red and Crollwitzer turkey stags displaying to Crollwitzer female.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Wensleydale ewe lambs

Two single white Wensleydale ewe lambs born this morning. Perfect start to a sunny day!

White Wensleydale ewe and lamb

White Wensleydale ewe and lamb

Monday 1 April 2013

My Birthday Lambs

March 31st, and I'm presented with the perfect birthday present in the form of two little black Wensleydale twin ram lambs!
Black Wensleydale lamb, one of twins