Monday 22 September 2008


Rupert in his preferred state of cleanliness! Being clean is fine for high days and holidays, but the rest of the time there is nothing that quite beats a really good mud bath!

Thursday 24 July 2008

Sheep Rehomed

As sad as we were - in some ways! - to see them go, it was a great relief to rehome the sheep in July. After many offers from folk wanting them to barbecue or freeze, we were very pleased to find excellent permanent homes for them. Six of the ewes we delivered to join a small breeding flock in Wales, and the remainder were sold to the National Trust to graze over 400 acres.

Saturday 5 July 2008

Black Welsh Mountain Sheep, 4th July, 2008

Black Welsh Mountain flock for sale.

The ewe above has scratched her fleece away in the hawthorn hedge, but skin has healed, and she is for sale with others.
Above: Two two-year-old ewes

Above: One-year-old ewe with loss of fleece on rear upper leg -
caused from playing in the hawthorn hedge!

Above: Another two-year-old ewe. First to lamb. her lamb is now weaned.
Above and below: "Rambo" - one horn seems to drift off towards the sky, but his character makes up for that minor "quirk", and his lambs are beautiful!

Above: How they've grown! One of this years ram lambs behind Rambo

Thursday 12 June 2008

Laurel and Hardy(above)

Sunday 11 May 2008

Shetland Yearlings

Life is pretty tiring when you're only just turned one! Mini shetlands Eric and Laurel bask in the May sunshine.

Thursday 13 March 2008

First Lamb

Black Welsh Mountain ewe and lamb
Our first lamb was greeted by a wet and windy morning - just as one might expect! - on 9th March. Five more ewes looked to be close behind her, but as of this moment, our bouncy black ewe lamb has only a large,bright yellow feed tub to play with - but they seem to be good friends!